Zheng Hong

Phone no: (605) 658-6397
Email id: Hong.Zheng@usd.edu


My research interests are to define the interaction of neurotransmitters/modulators within the central nervous system in regulation of sympathetic outflow and cardiovascular functions in chronic heart failure and diabetes.  In particular, I am interested in investigating the interactions of neuro-humoral components (including dopamine, leptin, glutamate) regulation of cardiovascular functions in the cardiovascular diseases including diabetes.

 In addition, I have recent evidence indicating that increased proteases in the renal tubular fluid may contribute to the enhanced renal epithelial sodium channel activity, providing a novel mechanistic insight for sodium retention commonly observed in chronic heart failure.  The long-term significance and direction of these experiments will be to gain insight into beneficial effects of renal denervation on sodium fluid retention endemic to chronic heart failure.