Patrick Brian

Phone no: (605) 995-2712
Email id:


Currently, my research focuses on arachnid mitochondrial genomes and their importance for evolutionary investigations. There are over 50,000 species of spiders but less than 100 mitochondrial genomes that have been fully sequenced and annotated (locations to genes mapped and labeled). Students in my lab learn basic lab skills, particularly DNA extraction and sequencing, then they learn how to take next-generation sequencing (NGS) data and assemble mitochondrial genomes. To accomplish this, I teach students how to do an aspect of bioinformatics using command-line programming, an important skill to stay current in the rapidly advancing fields of biology and medicine. Additionally, students learn how to use a program called Geneious to align sequences and annotate teh mitogenome. During the 10-week SD BRIN Fellowship, a student in my lab should be able to go from DNA extraction to publication of a mitochondrial genome in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.