Choi, Yun-Seok

Phone no: (605) 642-6124
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Deubiquitinase (DUB) is an enzyme responsible for the removal of ubiquitin (Ub) from proteins.  DUBs play important roles in a variety of cell functions.  Deregulation of DUBs impact human disease, particularly, cancer, neurodegeneration, and inflammation.  Sensors have recently been developed  to monitor DUB activities with their physiological targets.  However, the sensors start binding to off-targets when a target concentration is more than 10 µM.  This limits the sensor application in DUB assay because most DUB assays need more than 10 µM titration of targets.  Our purpose is to re-design the sensor to minimize off-target bindings and use the sensor to minimize off-target bindings and use the sensor for a general method of DUB assays.