Anderson, Cynthia

Phone no: (605) 642-6519
Email id:

My primary interest is in fungal genomics. As associate director of the Center for the Conservation of Biological Resources (CCBR), I oversee a variety of rather diverse research projects. Two projects in which I am currently involved include a study of the genomic response of dermatophytic fungi to silver compounds, such as silver nitrate, silver sulfate and colloidal silver, commonly used in medicated patches used to treat large surface area injuries such as burns. Our goal is to understand the mechanism by which fungi develop a tolerance or resistance to silver. Using qPCR to study the expression of key metal transport and sequestration genes we hope to be able to shed some light on the pathways used by fungi to get around these commonly used anti-microbial agents. 

The second project is a collaborative study to explore the microbial diversity of the deep subsurface terrestrial environment, both endemic and introduced, found within the Sanford Lab at Homestake near Lead, S.D. There are multiple facets to the goals of this project, from the identification of unique metabolites that can be used to develop novel pharmaceuticals to understanding syntrophic relationships that may facilitate survival of microbes in the sunlight deprived, nutrient-limited deep subsurface. We must first understand who lives there and how they survive in order to begin to expand our research endeavors to explore these greater questions.